Comparing lenders across the country allows us to save you both and time and money in your mortgage search.
With access to exclusive rates and a fully managed service we make finding your mortgage a doddle.
A buy-to-let mortgage is designed for landlords to help them buy a house with the intention of renting it out. Your mortgage will affect the potential profit of your buy-to-let investment.
Remortgaging is moving your mortgage from one lender to another, either because you are the nearing the end of your mortgage term, or in order to find a better mortgage rate for you.
There’s nothing more stressful than moving house, that’s why we help you find the right mortgage for you, so you have one less thing to worry about
With over 120 lenders to compare and exclusive rates, you can cut through the noise of the mortgage industry and find the right rate for you.
We based our call centre based in Yorkshire because we know that speaking to someone real, friendly and happy to help get you the best deal when you switch is going to make the experience that little bit easier, and that’s as important to us as it is to you.
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Doddle is a trading name of Winstree Financial Services Limited; registered in England and Wales with registration number 11232942. Registered office: Wellington House, 90/92 Butt Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 3DA. Winstree Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The firm is on the Financial Services Register, reference number 810624.