Equity Release
- Find out how much equity you could release in seconds
- Access the whole market & leading interest rates
- Experienced advisors
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Enquire in 30 Seconds
Your data is safe and secure
Enquire in 30 Seconds
We work with highly experienced and regulated advisors who work hard to find you the best solution for your situation. With years of experience in helping homeowners release equity in their homes and excellent customer service, you can be assured you are in safe hands.
Our advisors search the whole market search and assess the whole market for a range of available equity release options.
Our advice service can save you time, effort and money by researching all available providers.
You will only be recommended the right option. We will always find the best value product that suits your needs.
We take the difficulty and stress out of finding out if you’re eligible for equity release before putting you in touch with our advisors.
We will put you in touch with an independent whole of market specialist who can talk you through your options and help choose the right strategy for you.
We based our call centre in Yorkshire because we know that speaking to someone real, friendly, and happy to help get you the best deal when you switch is going to make the experience that little bit easier, and that’s as important to us as it is to you.
Doddle is a trading name of Winstree Financial Services Limited; registered in England and Wales with registration number 11232942. Registered office: Wellington House, 90/92 Butt Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 3DA. Winstree Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The firm is on the Financial Services Register, reference number 810624.